Mar 23, 2023 | ICNA Sisters Blogs |
We all strive to live a well-balanced life, some due to health problems, and others for personal goals. Some reach for self-help books while others turn to meditation. As Muslims, it is vital to indulge in some form of tazkiyah, or purification of the soul. Science...
Jan 31, 2022 | ICNA Messages |
“In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم In honor of the World Hijab Day, I took some time to reflect on what the hijab really means for us Muslim Women in America. The cliché that ‘hijab is much more than...
Jan 6, 2022 | ICNA Messages |
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته My Dear Sisters,It is with a deep sense of duty and trust of my fellow sisters that I assume the responsibility as President of ICNA Sisters USA. The collective effort of Pleasing Allah (SWT) cannot be achieved until we all become one...
Dec 21, 2021 | ICNA Messages |
Prominent Islamic Scholar Maulana Yusuf Islahi Passes Away Today is a day of extreme sadness and loss for the Muslim Ummah. The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) sadly announces the passing away of Maulana Yusuf Islahi from this world today. “To Allah we belong...
Nov 12, 2021 | Educational, ICNA Sisters Blogs |
By Presidential proclamation, March celebrates Women’s History Month and honors women. One stands to wonder, why women’s history and why in March? It started in 1908 when thousands of women, fed up with poor working conditions, marched throughout New York City in...
Sep 11, 2021 | Educational |
NEW YORK, NY (September 11, 2021) – Today marks the 20th anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. It serves as both a reminder of one of the most traumatizing occurrences to unfold on American soil and as a testimony to the resilience of every community...
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