​By Presidential proclamation, March celebrates Women’s History Month and honors women. One stands to wonder, why women’s history and why in March? It started in 1908 when thousands of women, fed up with poor working conditions, marched throughout New York City in...


There is a bewildering array of lifestyles all around us in this world. Every lifestyle represents a unique set of behaviors, values and beliefs. If we think of each of these lifestyles as representing a different color of the spectrum, then the society we live in is...
The man who made a promise to tell the truth

The man who made a promise to tell the truth

Telling the truth is very good habit. If you always speak the truth, you can save yourself from a lot of trouble! Here is a story of a man who did a lot of bad things, but his promise to tell the truth saved him.  Once a man came to the Prophet Muhammad SAW and...

BARAKAH ( Umm Aiman ), Straight from Allah.

Imagine someone as majestic as our beloved RasulAllah (saw) calling you a beautiful name “Ya Ummah” out of love, or lovingly wiping your face and eyes upon seeing you tired.  Imagine talking to our beloved Rasul (saw) before even his birth, being the first to cradle...