Ramadan Mubarak from ICNA Sisters!

بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Dear Sisters, As we welcome the blessed month of Ramadan-a month of mercy, forgiveness, and countless opportunities for spiritual growth. I extend my warmest greetings to you all on behalf of ICNA Sisters. This is a time of...

  Election Day Election day is finally here! Thank you all for voting - we are so proud to be a part of such a civically engaged community! May Allah swt grant us the strength to persevere and be the role model for our communities. Please vote and share your...

Message From ICNA Sisters President, Sumaira Afzal

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, On Hijab Day, we celebrate the beauty, strength, and deep meaning behind it—a symbol of faith, modesty, confidence, and empowerment. The hijab is more than a beautiful head cover; It is a statement of our commitment to our creator, a...

Empowered Women at ICNA Convention 2023

Alhamdulillah for the recently concluded ICNA Convention 2023, it was an incredible success, bringing together passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds. Inspiring speakers, stimulating discussions, and engaging workshops left attendees motivated and energized....

Türkiye and Syria Earthquake

In the wake of the catastrophic 7.8 earthquake and resulting aftershocks that have claimed thousands of lives in Türkiye, Syria and the surrounding region, ICNA Sisters would like to extend our deepest condolences to those impacted by this tragedy. ICNA Sisters...

Message From ICNA Sisters President, Sumaira Afzal

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمIn the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Another year has come to honor the Hijab, it is time to reflect and ponder on how the hijab helps shape our lives.  As it is constantly stated that 'hijab is much more than a piece of...

The Synergy Between Islam & Science for Living a Balanced Life

We all strive to live a well-balanced life, some due to health problems, and others for personal goals. Some reach for self-help books while others turn to meditation. As Muslims, it is vital to indulge in some form of tazkiyah, or purification of the soul. Science...

Message from ICNA Sisters President

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهMy Dear Sisters,It is with a deep sense of duty and trust of my fellow sisters that I assume the responsibility as President of ICNA Sisters USA. The collective effort of Pleasing Allah (SWT) cannot be achieved until we all become one...

An Era Of Knowledge And Struggle Concludes

Today is a day of extreme sadness and loss for the Muslim Ummah. The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) sadly announces the passing away of Maulana Yusuf Islahi from this world today.


By Presidential proclamation, March celebrates Women’s History Month and honors women. One stands to wonder, why women’s history and why in March? It started in 1908 when thousands of women, fed up with poor working conditions, marched throughout New York City in...

Message from ICNA Sisters President, Sumaira Afzal

“In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

​In honor of the World Hijab Day, I took some time to reflect on what the hijab really means for us Muslim Women in America. The cliché that ‘hijab is much more than a cloth we wrap around our heads’ is constantly said and heard because it is a statement of modesty that encompasses the way we talk, the way we walk, and the way we think. It is a source of peace for us. We wear it with pride, and we wear it unapologetically.

Abdullah ibn Umar (RA/May God be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW/Peace be upon him) said: 
“Indeed Haya (modesty) and Iman (faith) are Companions. When one of them is lifted, the other leaves as well.” 

Prophet (SAW) said: 
“Haya and Trustworthiness will be the first to go from this world; therefore keep asking Allah for them.”

“Al Haya’u Kullu Khair”
‘Haya in anything is good,’ and this hadith (saying of the Prophet) particularly illustrates the paramount significance of having haya (modesty) and keeping your Iman (faith).

The hijab reminds us not to focus on what we look like from the outside, rather focus on our inner self. Instead of adorning our bodies, we should adorn our ruh (soul) with the obedience and worship of Allah. It does not matter what we look from the outside because true beauty is found within the relationship between the slave and the Lord.


  Election Day Election day is finally here! Thank you all for voting -...

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Ramadan Mubarak from ICNA Sisters!

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Message From ICNA Sisters President, Sumaira Afzal

Message From ICNA Sisters President, Sumaira Afzal

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, On Hijab Day, we celebrate the beauty, strength, and deep meaning behind it—a symbol of faith, modesty, confidence, and empowerment. The hijab is more than a beautiful head cover; It is a statement of our commitment to our creator, a...

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