Alhumdulillah, Over the past weekend, thousand & thousands of Americans of all backgrounds, especially the Arab youth and women, showed their solidarity with the Palestinian people. However, the situation of Palestine, especially in Gaza, is worsening every day as the Israeli bombardment continues.
You can do the following to keep the momentum:
- Call the White House hotline at (202) – 456 – 1111, and register your complaints on the US Government handling of the Palestinian issue.
- Call House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Gregory Meeks and demand he place a hold on weapons to Israel at (202) – 225 – 5021.
- Contact your Representative by calling (202) – 224 – 3121, and ask them to cosponsor HR2590, a bill which would prohibit US weapons for Israel’s forced displacement of Palestinians, for its ill-treatment of Palestinian children, and its annexation of Palestinian land.
- Join local protests and be active on Social Media.
- Follow CSJ on social media to get the latest updates and event announcements.
(Facebook , Twitter , Instagram ).
You may also follow what ICNA CSJ South Florida has planned:
ICNA CSJ South Florida has decided with other Muslim organizations to do half an hour picketing for Palestine in front of four Congress members’ offices in four counties after Jum’a Prayer on May 21, 2021.