May Allah Accept (The fast and worship) from us and from you
Assalamualikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!
Dear Sisters
Let us invoke Allah’s blessings and Maghfirah in these last days of Ramadan and make the approaching ‘Eid ul Fitr’ a moment of blessing for every muslim. It is truly a joyous day as it combines a believer’s faith, gratitude,acts of worship,brotherhood, and celebration all in one big moment.
Sisters, in this moment of joy let us remember the teachings of Quran that we journeyed through the whole month As we celebrate though. An important note to emphasize is to avoid anything displeasing to Allah, be it in our dress, our type of gathering, wasting of food, etc. as we do not want to invoke Allah’s wrath after the blessed nights of forgiveness.
While this is time of happiness and joy it is also upon us to think about the general state of our Ummah and the sufferings of millions of muslim brother, sisters, and especially children around the world. As you all dress in your best attire, feast on delicious food, and exchange gifts on this blessed day, please remember to open your hearts to those who are unable to enjoy these blessings. We should open our hearts, homes, and purses to make their lives as normal as we can, otherwise I fear Allah will take us away and replace us with better people.
May Allah swt bless our households, our Muslim Community, our organization and our Muslim Ummah with lots and lots of Khair and Barakah. May this Eid bring happiness and goodness from Allah (swt) for our Muslim Ummah. (Ameen)
Eid Mubarak to you all from ICNA Sisters
Abeer Sher
President ICNA Sisters.