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ICNA Sisters
Noor Magazine

Noor magazine was established by ICNA Sisters with the aim of enabling Muslim women throughout North America to gain more knowledge of our deen . By the grace of Allah (swt), each year, we publish three issues both in English and in Urdu. We cover a variety of themes, focusing on issues relevant to our society and offering solutions for the betterment of humanity at large. An underlying theme of all our issues is the role of Muslims in this Non-Muslim society as a community that enjoins good and prevents evil.


January & March 2024

October November & December 2023

August September 2023

June July 2023

May 2023

April 2023

English Noor

Volume 1, 2024

Volume 2, 2022

Volume 1,2022

Volume 3, 2021

Volume 1, 2021

Urdu Noor

Volume 2,2024

Volume 1,2024

Volume 3,2023

Volume 1,2023

Volume 2,2022

Volume 1,2022

Volume 3, 2021

Volume 2,2021

Volume 1, 2021

Volume 2, 2020

Volume 1, 2020