“For those who give in charity, men and women, and loan to Allah a beautiful loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and they shall have (besides) a liberal reward.”
(Surah Al Hadid, Verse 18)
noor magazine donation
Members donation (Ayanat)

To raise the spirit of giving and stressing the importance of spending in the Way of Allah (SWT) among all so that it becomes a source for their personal training and purification of their hearts & to provide financial support to the Movement in order to make important resources available to support the Organization.
Sources of Income
- Monthly Member’s donations
- Other donations by members and non-members
- Zakat and Sadaqah are also collected and distributed accordingly, 50% of this is used to serve and care especially for the Muslim Ummah and generally for Humanity
Watch How
your supprt
Helps in achieving the following goals:
- Outreach activities.
- Tarbiyah and development of sisters.
- On-line Institute for Women- an opportunity for all sisters to increase their Islamic knowledge.
- Printing and Publishing of dawah material.
- Noor Magazine for women.
- Companion Magazine for children.
- Support activities of "Muslim children of North America".
- Convention- organizing programs for the whole family.
- Flyers, circulars, Cd's.
- Website- maintaining and updating.
Keeping in view the obligation and sensitivity of the bait-ul-maal, the accounts of ICNA Sisters are audited on a yearly basis by an external accounting firm. This helps in keeping a check and balance on all income and expenses incurred in order to carry out Dawah and outreach activities to make important resources available to support the Organization.